Tuesday, November 18, 2008


We had a wonderful day at a local museum last week. Toward the end of our time there we were debating whether or not to hang out for jazz in the park. Patrick and Wesley sat by the pond pictured above and played as the band set up their equipment. Random bits of our conversation went like this:

"It's close to dinner."
"Looks like they'll serve food."
"They won't do this again until March."
"Wesley would love it out here on the lawn."
"We've had such a good day already."
"Yeah, but would we be pushing his limits if we stayed?"

Ultimately, we decided to leave 45 minutes before the jazz started. Sure, we had a great day, but we know our boy and our boy requires certain things: primarily a steady flow of food and that food supply had run out. Staying for music on the lawn was a romantic idea ... but it wasn't worth the risk of topping off the day with a sour note. No, we wanted to leave on a high note, even if that note wasn't from a saxophone.

More pictures from the museum below:


Dan/pepsoid said...

Patrick and Wesley have the right idea! ;)