Tuesday, January 22, 2008

No need for an alarm clock!

We no longer need to set our cell phones to wake us up in the morning.

Ever since Wesley started falling asleep in his bed on his own between 7 and 8 p.m., we can count on hearing the pitter patter of little feet between 6 and 6:30 a.m. Sometimes that precious percussion is accompanied by "Mawmaw, Mawmaw ... !"

Then we hear the dogs as they rise to meet their little buddy (or bully depending on his mood) halfway down the hall.

Thank you, Wesley, for letting us the know the sun is rising and it's time for us to do the same! "Good morning, sunshine," he sometimes says, though usually it's "I wanna sit in high chair (and eat French toast)!"

If Mawmaw is lucky, Patrick has time to get up and Mawmaw can sleep in some more. If Mawmaw is not so lucky, Patrick is taking the dogs for a run and she needs to get up and start breakfast (and the coffee pot)."

A Sunday tradition is growing ... the invitation to eight furry paws to join us in the bed for morning cuddles. Wesley loves these moments. "Hug Rosie," he says as he forces her neck to comply to his arm's demands. "Kiss Rosie," he says as he puts his lips to her nose. This is the one strategy we both have to put between us and the inevitable words "I wanna sit in high chair!"