Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Name that craft!

A Rainmaker!

You're all right, and my friend Kris hit it on the nail with her guess!!!!

We had a lot of fun converting that old poster mail thing into a rain maker. Patrick had the idea of hot gluing the popcorn mail pieces throughout the inside so the beans would stumble their way through the tube.

Wesley and I painted it. We have a lot of fun painting together as a family. Usually Patrick paints his D&D figures while Wesley paints small wooden figures or paints on paper. Me? Oh, I try my hands at knitting every once in a while or break out the old guitar ... we have a lot of fun on our craft nights. -- Thanks for guessing!!

Do y
ou see it?

Look closely at this picture ... look at the hair and nose in particular.Blue. Purple. Green. Yup. That's paint. Fortunately for me it's washable paint and later came out with a few wipes of a damp wash cloths.

i offer you a challenge. I'll list a few supplies and let's see if you can guess what we built and painted.

Craft Supplies:

1 long card board tube
1 hot glue gun
1 stick of glue
3 handfuls of package popcorn
4 sizes of beans, half a handful each
5 paint brushes
6 colors of paint

What do YOU think we built? Post your guess in the comments section and I'll post the answer, with pictures, in a little while.


MamaMo said...

a rainbow tube maraca?!

Casey said...

A colorful musically-inclined-popcorn -tambourine!

krisperry said...

A Rainstick!