Friday, January 30, 2009

brothers that play together ...

I adore how Wesley and Boden play together. Boden has been pulling up and crawling since 5.5 months and cruising since 6 months. At 7 months, he can really keep up with Wesley. The two interact and play with cars and other toys already.

I really don't know how much longer Boden will be crawling ... dare I say he'll be an early walker? He's already letting go and holding his own for a second or two before falling down. He even attempts to let go of one piece of furniture and fall towrad another for support.
Wesley and Bo take baths together too. They really enjoy the water. Boden gets excited as soon as he hears the water start filling the bath, will stand up on the side of the bathtub and try to pull himself into it.


April McGinnis said...

There's nothing so precious as watching two brothers get to know each other. Nothing. <3