Saturday, January 24, 2009

more pictures

I downloaded those pictures ... so that's two out of three (reference to previous post).

Family-in-a-hammock balancing act.

It's no wonder these boys light up every time they see their daddy!

Boden started cruising (walking while holding on to furniture) at 6 months, two weeks after he started crawling and pulling up. Bo even turns corners around this play table. Isn't he amazing?

He's got those cold red cheeks that come with teething. I don't like that he's in pain, but I so adore his gummy smile ... it's one of the only baby things left on him. As Wesley says, "He's a big baby now. He's growing up."

Look at those eyes! He's self soothing some here as he waits for mommy to put down the camera and pick up the cuteness.


Dan/pepsoid said...

Our little one has started munching joyfully on sticks of asparagus - wonderful! :)