Friday, August 28, 2009

First day of school

It didn't start out so well. In fact, it started out with vomit on Patrick's blues ... but Wesley and Patrick went upstairs, changed clothes, and we drove to school.

In front of school, where his class was lining up, Wesley held on to me and refused to get in line with the other children. He finally did, and though I couldn't see him, I could hear him crying as he walked in.

I trusted him. I turned with Patrick and Boden and walked away.

Two hours later, I got a call, "Wesley vomited. He doesn't have a fever so I think it's nerves, but he does need a clean pair of shoes."

I drove to school, attached the visitor ID to my shirt and walked to the clinic. I found him sitting quietly with his hands in his lap.

"How are you?"

"I threw up."

"Do you think you're nervous about school?"

"Yeah. I think I had butterflies in my stomach. But they're all out now."

"You feel like finishing the day?"


I was so proud of him.

The next few days were rough. I had started school the week before and Wesley does not deal well with change. Spontaneity, sure, but long-term change not so much.

Yesterday was the first day I picked up a child who was enthusiastic about school and seeing me again. This morning was the first morning I saw him run to line to sit next to a friend.

I'm excited for him. I know transitions are tough, but I've seen him pull through again and again and each time he grows a little more assured of himself and his place in the world. I can't wait to see what he chooses to do with his education and the relationships (with peers, teachers, knowledge, his own talents) he forms along the way.

No matter what he does, if he comes away with solid standing in knowing his own unique gifts to share with the world and a desire to make the world a better place then I know he'll do well. He's already showing that he knows how to keep going and trust that everything will be OK even when he is afraid and doesn't know what lies around the corner, or in this case, down the hall of his elementary school.


Emily said...

emily, i was so happy to see a new post on busy toes come up on my blog list!! glad to hear that wesley is doing better with school. rowan also has a very hard time with change.

Edie Mindell said...

Your son is very brave and courageous on his first day of school. Despite the fact that he vomited because he was nervous, he still managed to finish his first day, and that is very brave of him. I'm pretty sure he's enjoying and well-adjusted to his school now.